Thursday, February 11, 2021

Lizzard Crick Poems - 'At Steel Trap


                                Lizzard Crick Poems.

                                  ’At Steel Trap.


Ast uncle once ef I could set

One o’them steel traps o’ his;

Tol’ ’im I’d seen some annermul,

    Bigger’n what the ol’ cat is,

Down in the medder nigh the crick;

    Seen ’is toe prints in the san’

Nigh to a hole. Said he guessed not,

    I’d be apter ketch my han’.


But guessed ’at I knew howter set

    A steel trap ’thought gittin ketched

Myself, so I sotter down th’ere,

    ‘n’ thought how he’d laff w’em I fetched

A coon or mebbie woodchuck home

    Nex’ mornin’ erbout sunrise!

An’ w’en I creeped up to the hole

    Heard some soft an’ mournful cries,


An’ ’ere wuz aunty’s ol’ black cat

    Lookin’ tearful like at me;

‘N’ it made me bawl an’ wisht I’uz dead

    Hurt her hin’ laigs so, yo_______

‘N’ I tuk her out an’ petted _______

    “N’ confessed tur uncle ______

An’ he, he jawed, ‘n’en said _____

    Bes’ boy wuz on Lizzard Crick __


                                    [lower right corner torn off]


'“Lizzard Crick Poems” - When Ol’ Ike Died' updated, including a handwritten version.