Old Nutmeg Sayings - {Yankee Dialect, Wit, and Philosophy}

Volume I

1. When a man tells how many uv his neighbors he kin see through that is the time his own transparency begins to show up.
       R. by Puck, Truth, Siftings, Judge, F. Press, N.Y. Sun, Harpers, Pub. in Courier

2. Bring yeourself to love all children an' yeou'll fin' yeour dispersition growin' sweeter'n the inside uv a 'lasses cask.
     R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in Courier

3. The only satisfaction let for an ol' man when he's jeered at by boys is the knowledge that they'll hev to come t it themselves.
     R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in Courier

4. Most gen'ly a farmer's woodpile ain't a circumstance to his wood lot; yeou can't judge one by t'other.
     R. by Puck, Truth, Siftings, Judge, F. Press, NY Sun, Harpers, Pub. in Courier

5. The crowin' uv a ruster is more natteral an' pleasin' to the ear than the crowin' uv and individual, notwithstandin' that the latter does the most practicin'.
     R. by Puck, Truth, Siftings, Judge, F. Press, NY Sun, Harpers, Pub. in Courier

6. It's cur'us people won't l'arn which is the kickin' end uv a cow an' govern themselves accordin'ly.
     R. by Puck, Pub. in Courier

7. Ain't everbody kin tell which end is which uv a mud turkle when he's all housed in.
     R. by Puck, Pub. in Courier

8. Yeou can't expect a nest full uv aigs when yeou shell uvf all the corn for the market an' throw the cobs out for the hens to browse on.
     R. by Puck, Pub. in Courier

9. The size uv a fish that is described, must gen'ly depends on who ketches him.
     R. by Puck, Pub. in Courier

10. Prize fightin' does a good deal toward helpin' out the the'ry that man descended frum the brute creation.
     A. by Puck, Pub in *841

11. Straws show which way the current runs an’ a red flag shows which way the bull runs; also the individual he’s arter.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Courier

12. If they whose wit allus comes too late are called fools, what shall we call them whose wit never comes at all?
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Courier

13. “Ridin’ a free hoss to death” doesn’t hev any reference tew the hoss thet’s gen’ly standin’ idle nigh to a man’s woodpile.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Courier

14. When a child uv Nature musses (?) his Mother Earth it must be when he’s suckin’ cider through a goose quill.
       R. by Puck, Truth, Siftings, Judge, F. Press, N.Y. Sun, Harpers, Pub. in Courier

15. I don’t know as a hen is responsible for her foolish actions arter she has lost her head.
       R. by Puck, Truth, Siftings, Judge, F. Press, N.Y. Sun, Harpers, Pub. in Courier

16. Vanity is considered as bein’ ruther light but it ‘pears to be the heaviest art uv some individuals.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Courier

17. ‘Tain’t surprisin’ thet cows an’ hosses do consitterble kickin’. They most allus hev good reasons for it.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Courier

18. Turnin’ a grindstone for yeour neighbor simply becuz yeou love him is a mighty good test uv the duration uv yeour affection.
       R. by Puck, Truth, Siftings, Judge, F. Press, N.Y. Sun, Harpers, Pub. in Courier

19. It’s purty hard work tew entertain an ol’ Toper with dry humor.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Courier

20. I allus wonder if the fish that gits away feels as big as he looks to the feller that loses him.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #8 World’s Fair Puck, June 26, ‘98

21. Time waits for no man but many a musical feller gits up and beats it.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #864. Sept. 27, ‘93

22. Before lendin’ a pocket knife it is allus a good idee to rap the ten cent pieces out uv the handle.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #854

23. Before enterin’ a fight we should take our adversary’s measure an’ hev the undertaker take our’n.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in 864, Sept. 27, ‘93

24. Stealin’ watermelons is condemned only by them that never tasted its many joys. May I be sot (?) on a barbed wire fence if I ever say a word agin it.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Courier

25. ‘Tain’t nowers likely thet an’ individual would be any less inpatient an’ excitable than a settin’ hen on aigs ef he wuz place in the same position.
       A. by Puck, & Pub. in #853

26. It’s a good plan when yeou’re buildin’ a ten foot fence to keep out yeour neighbor’s cattle to make it low enough to keep in yeour own pigs an’ sheep.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #871

27. A big idee can be put on a small scrap uv paper but I’ve seen a tarnal small idee spread over twenty odd newspaper columns.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #871

28. When I wuz yeoung an’ thought less I did my mornin’ chores first an’ eat my breakfast while runnin’ to the shop; now I eat first an’ do the chores while runnin’
       Pub. in Courier

29. It’s mighty poor policy ter mke a foot ball out uv a cow jet because she won’t immediately give daown her milk.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Courier

30. I can’t help but notice that there are tew places where a fellar likes to put in overtime free gratis: when he’s in bed an’ when he’s courtin’.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #871

31. Don’t find fault with  yeour neighbor’s hens when it is yeour own length uv fence thet needs fixin’.
            A. by Puck, Pub. in #20 uv the World’s Fair Puck

32. Makin’ a disturbance in meetin’ applies as well to the man snorin’ as it does to the boy titterin’.
       R. by Puck, F. Press, Siftings, Truth, Judge, Life, N.Y. Sun, Harpers, Pub. Pub. in B. Courier

32½. Many law makers could discover law breakers by looking in a glass.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

33. Don’t think that becuz yeou done yeourself better than anyone else thet other people hev the same feelin’ toward yeou.
       R. by Puck, F. Press, Siftings, Truth, Judge, Life, N.Y. Sun, Harpers, Pub. in Courier, Pub. in B. Courier

34. When a man is reely funny is when he ain’t tryin’ to be.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #871

35. There aint much difference in crossin’ a railroad track an’ a wastin’ track, only un the latter yeou don’t hev to look both ways at once.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in B. Courier

36. Don’t crow to a 190 pound individual erbout yeour tiny feet when yeou don’t weigh but 90 pounds yeourself.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #864, Sept. 27, ‘93

37. What a woman lacks in the art uv firin’ a stun (stun’ ?) she makes up in the art uv firin’ a feller’s ambition.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #871

38. When a big, strappin’ man marries a leetle mite uv a woman she orter make up to him in goodness what she lacks in size an’ vice versa.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in B. Courier

39. Stoppin’ a runawy team is uv course a brave deed, but when a man with nine children gits killed by a seventy five cent hoss there is ten sides to the question.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in 864, Sept. 27, ‘93

40. A man standin’ six feet in his stockin’s must hev tarnal small feet or else six pair uv stockin’s.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #940

41. A poor man’s trousers seldom draw tight over the region uv his pocketbook.
       R. by Puck, F. Press, Siftings, Truth, Judge, Life, N.Y. Sun, Harpers, Pub. in Courier

42. Frum experience I lrn that the best an’ only safe way is to read  book afor lendin’ uv it.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in Courier

43. In all probabilities, the birds thet holler “whip-poor-will” night arter night ain’t warned William.
       R. by Puck, F. Press, Siftings, Truth, Judge, Life, N.Y. Sun, Harpers, Pub. in Courier

44. Good positions are like a hill uv taters, there’s gen’ly ten tater bugs to one tater.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

45. An individual’s good natur’, like the seat uv his trousers, won’t allus hol’ out to be sot on.
       R. by Puck, F. Press, Siftings, Truth, Judge, Life, N.Y. Sun, Harpers, Pub. in B. Courier

46. Gen’ly the lastin’ qualities uv frien’ships, like a air uv trousers, depend on how much they are worn.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

47. Tellin’ little white lies is risky business becuz they are apt to grow an’ change in color.
       R. by Puck, F. Press, Siftings, Truth, Judge, Life, N.Y. Sun, Harpers, Pub. in Courier

48. Give a cat all she wants to eatan’ yeou’ll keep her mind uvf’n stealin’!
       A. by Puck, Pub. Pub. in # 871

49. Joy seldom kills a pusson, but there are thousands who are tryin’ to kill joy every day.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

50. Nip an’ tuck – When an individual is tryin’ to keep the bed clothes twixt himself an’ a determined skeeter.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Courier

51. The man who wears squeaky shoes is boun’ to hev music in his sole.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in B. Courier

52. See fust that yew hev tried to make yeour enemy better afore yeow talk uv his failius.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

53. The man who watches the clock the clostest is the one who puts in the longest day.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

54. Sometimes it seems as though the individual who carries the whole world on his back doesn’t git so round shouldered as the one who carries a small pack.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in B. Courier

55. The tom turkey is a fust rate critter for hol’n up the importance uv the dignerty uv his sex.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in Berlin News, Pub. in B. Courier, Dec. 29, ‘95

56. It is quite unnecessary to put a notice uv “Hands Uvf” upon the handle uv a buck saw.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Berlin News, Pub. in B. Courier, Dec. 29, ‘95

57. It’s a plaguey sight easier to fogit thet yeou’ve borrowed a dollar than it is thet yeou’ve leant one.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #871

58. ‘Tain’t allus the biggest individual in this world thet occypys the biggest space.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

59. Mis’ry loves company an’ like all uv her sisters, prefers her superiors.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

60. Callin’ things by their right names don’t allus give the best satisfaction.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in B. Courier

61. When a man declares a thing “upon his soul”, yeou may believe he’s tellin’ the truth providin’ he ain’t barefoot an’ his shoes are paid for.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in B. Courier

62. There is one free hoss that ain’t likely to git rode to death – a saw horse.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in B. Courier

63. We all enjoy, uv course, the rich voice uv the singer or the silver-tongued orator, but arter all who is there that doesn’t prefer the sound uv his own voice.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #940

64. The farmer hain’t the only feller who waters stock.
       Pub. in B. Courier, R. by Puck

65. An individual who is capable uv lickin’ a dozen men will uvtentimes git floored by his own temper.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

66. The pen may be mightier than the sword but in many instances it’s the tool uv a cowardly tongue.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in B. Courier

67. Jest becuz yeou keep yeour nose out uv other people’s affa’rs, is no sign yeour tongue gits a license.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

68. ‘Tain’t nowers surprisin’ thet flies hang aroun’ a ‘lasss barrel sence small boys set the bad example.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in B. Courier

69. Straitened sercumstanes uvten lead a passon into crooked ways.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

70. A fr’en’ in need is a fr’en’ indeed, no marter which one is the needy one.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in B. Courier

71. Sometimes it seems ez tho’ common sense wuz gittin’ to be uncommonly common, (R. by Puck) an’ uncommon sense uncommonly common.
       Pub. in B. Courier

72. There is a sut’n class uv individuals who hol’ uvf an’ sner at anything thet’s free an’ I uvten wonder if they didn’t make a mistake in puttin’ salvation on the free list.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in B. Courier

73. “What man hez done man may do” doesn’t include sheep stealin’, marryin’ a million wives or tradin’ the baaby’s shoes for liquor.
       R. by Puck, Judge

74. It’s mighty mean business to set a hen chiney aigs then find fault with her disparsition.
       R. by Puck, Judge

75. When a man fences in his belongin’s he is merely commitin’ an act uv self defense.
       R. by Puck, Judge

76. Lovin’ yeour neighbor ez yeourself includes yeour neighbor’s wife too but tain’t allus best to let yeour neighbor think so.
       R. by Puck, Judge

77. Consistency is a jewel that uvtentimes falls eout uv its settin’.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

78. “Barkin’ doge never bite” becuz they can’t but they bite down quick sometimes when they stop barkin’.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

79. Sarcumstances alter cases, an’ cases hev been known to alter sarcumstances.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #940

80. The more haste the longer yeou hev to wait for su’thin’ to turn up, pervidin’ yeou are ahead uv time.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #940

81. Ef wishes wuz hosses they’d be druv to death on the fust stretch.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #940

82. In my opin’on the wit thet comes too late, known ez fool’s wit, is a plagneysight better than that comes too quick.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #940

83. When a man brags erbout his not owin’ anybody anything, it may be laid to several causes; one is perhaps he hez’ent hed the oppertunuty.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Boston Courier

84. There hain’t much gained in callin’ a man a liar cuz if he is one he mus’ know it better than yeou do yeourself.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Boston Courier

85. A person will go to a theater, stan’ up for ten hours an’ a half an’ never fin’ fault, payin’ 50 cents inter the bargain, but would kick like u steer at standin’ up to hear an’ hours sermon for nuthin’
       Pub. in Boston Courier

86. The feller who kicks an’ squirms to git affront at a circus is the one who gen’ly takes a back seat in prayer meetin’.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in B.oston Courier

87. Tain’t allus the strongit man who kin lift the heaviest mortgage.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Boston Courier

88. It’s purt’ nigh ez easy ter drive the pen up to the pig ez it is the pig up to the pen
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Boston Courier

89. I am puffectly willin’ tew hev a feller put a flea in my ear pervidin’ it will keep me frum hearin’ the yarn he’s got to tell.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in B. Courier

90. Tain’t much use in prayin’ for rain when yeou want to use the water for thinnin’ down a bar’l uv market vinegar.
       R. by Puck, F. Press, Truth, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

91. Try an’ remember thet when yeou au airin' yeour opinions the odor may be uvfensive to yeour nex door neighbor.
       R. by F. Press, Truth, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

92. The only dieference between a prize fight an’ a bull fight is thet the bull fight has one man an’ one annermal an’ the prize fight hez tew annermals.
       R. by F. Press, Truth, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

93. Don’t allus think becuz a man wants tew sell his bizzernizz thet there is suthin’ the marter with the bizzernizz. There may be suthin’ the matter with the man.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

94. When yeou meet a feller who wants to do all the talkin’ himself jest let him do it, an’ he’ll think yeou’re the mos’ entertainin’ feller eout.
       R. by F. Press, Truth, Judge, Pub. in Boston Courier

95. The quality uv a farmer’s milk shouldn’t be jidged by the abundance uv hos water supply.
       R. by F. Press, Truth, Judge, Pub. in Boston Courier

96. A good many pussons will git tew the top round in the ladder uv fame pervidin’ they kin turn the ladder upside down.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

97. Some uv these individyus who brag erbout the’r keen scent are the dulles’ when it comes tew smellin’ a rat.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

98. Charrerty covers a multitood uv loafers.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

99. Don’t think thet becuz yeou’ve got a min’ uv yeour own thet yeou need tew be continually givin’ somebody else apiece uv it.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

100. Yeou can’t jedge an editor by his editorials any more than yeou kin a dog by the soun’ uv his language.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

101. Yeou kin tell a pusson who hez a min’ uv his own ez he’s generally givin’ someone a piece uv it.
      Pub. in Boston Courier

102. Yeou can’t allus judge a man’s caperbillerty by the amount uv labor he says is his lot tew perform.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

103. It don’t make no diffrunce haow poor a man is, he kin allus afford tew chaw terbackker an’ lud a pipe.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

104. ‘Tain’t no sign thet a biznez man ‘ud make a good soldier jest becuz he know haow tew charge.
       R. by F. Press, Truth, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

105. It’s kin uv funny  that the pussons who say they don’t know right frum  wrong allus lean tuds the latter.
       A. by Puck, P. in #924, Nov. 21, ‘94

106. The deffernition uv the word charerty covers a good deal uv groun’, but the practice uv it on’y a leetle plot.
       Pub. in B. Courier

107. Never brag uv yeour fish tell yeou’ve weighed him.
       Pub. in Courier

108. It’s an ill wind thet doesn’t blow good.
       Pub. in B. Courier

109. Shortsightedness Kernot be improved by the use uv glasses.
       Pub. in Courier
110. Some people are uncharreterbul enough tew deny even a bite tew a little skeeter.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

111. Don’t count yeour chickens till arter yeou hev pizened the ol’ cat.
       A. by Puck, Pub. Nov. 21, ’94 in #924

112. There wouldn’t be so much kickin’ done at the weather ef there was a chance fur people tew hurt their toes.
       A. by Puck, Pub. Nov. 21, ’94 in #924

113. Some men who ubject tew settin’ on tacks wouldn’ mindsettin’ on the tax collector.
       A. by Puck, Pub. Nov. 21, ’94 in #924

114. It is easier tew l’arn tew ply a han’ organ than it is tew like the music it gives.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

115. Allus speak the truth. It’s harder, uv course, but it’s these small diffaculties thet make life spicy.
       Pub. in B. Courier

116. It is an acknowleged fact thet the pusson who ubjects tew the singin’ uv a skeeter hez no ear fur music.
       Pub. in B. Courier

117. Lickin’ a postage stamp is nuthin’ tew brag uv,  fur all it hez the government behind it.
       Pub. in B. Courier

118. I tried laffin’ once tew grow fat, but it didn’t pay, cuz when I laffed at father arter he struck his thumb  with a harmer, he tuk uvf more’n I’d gained in a hull month!
       Pub. in Boston Courier

119. There is no sartisfaction in tellin’ people yeour ailments nowadays; they allus feel so much wussin’ yeou do.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #924, Nov. 21, 1894

120. Some people kin be tickled more effectively with a big bill than with a leetle straw.
       Pub. in B. Courier

121. It’s a plagny sight easier tew kick up a row than it is to parsify one.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #924, Nov. 21, 1894

122. Jest erbout the time yeou commence tew pour yeour neighbor’s ear full uv yeour baby’s cute ness, remember thet there’s erbout ten thousan’ more in the world erbout the same age an’ jest ez cute ez yeour’n.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #924, Nov. 21, 1894

123. Many a man who pays his bills promptly wants considerable credit for it arter all.
       A. by Puck, Pub. in #924, Nov. 21, 1894

124. Lead an hones’ life ef yeou kin; an’ ef yeou kan’ let someone else lead yeou who is honest.
       Pub. in B. Courier

125. The majority uv people want tew be rich but jest here is where the majority don’t rule.
       Pub. in B. Courier

125½. Lookin’ fur employment in a bar-room gives it on’y tew the bartender.
       Pub. in B. Courier

126. Never brag uv yeour fish till yeou hev hol’ uv the scales.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Boston Courier

127. A past time is a mighty good thing pervidin’ the time ain’t so fur past thet yeou are neglectin’ suthin’ else.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Boston Courier

128. Don’t bet on a hoss trot. Yeour money kin trot the fastest anyway, so be content tew hol’ it in.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Boston Courier

129. People like tew be tol’ suthin’ they don’t know pervidin’ it’s peasin’ to hear.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Boston Courier

130. Don’t git uvfended becuz yeour neighbor don’t laff ez heartily ez yeou dew at the joke yeou are tellin’. Posserbly he can’t appreciate a good joke.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

131. It hain’t no wuss tew make a mountain eout uv a mole hill in some ways thanit is tew make a mole hill eout  uv a mountain in others.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Boston Courier

132. Nobody wuz ever accused uv havin’ more’n his share uv common sense.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in Boston Courier

133. Before gittin’ married a fellergits stuck on a gal, an’ arterwards he is lucky ef he don’t git stuck by the same gal.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

134. Don’t stick a match intew the bung hole uv a bar’l tew see how much ile yeou hev got left.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in B. Courier

135. Ef gals didn’t perten’ tew be so skeered in the dark there wouldn’t be so many things springin’ intew a yeoung feller’s min’.
       R. by Puck, Pub. in B. Courier

136. There is several quallerties uv elastic, some stretchier than others. This is all right with elastic, but don’t git it confused with conscience.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

137. Don’t look for tew much intelligence, willin’ness, modesty an’ politeness in annermuls; they dew purty well considerin’.
       Pub. in B. Courier

138. A good way tew practice on bein’ quick motioned is by tryin’ tew ketch a water bug.
       Pub. in B. Courier

139. It takes skill tew ketch a fish an’ back bone tew dress it.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

140. Never doubt a man’ wud unless yeou know for sure thet his favorite pastime ez fishin’.

141. The man who uses a small ‘I’ when writin’ uv himself can’t hev a very big opinion uv himself.
       R. by Puck, F. Press, Life, Siftings, Pub. in B. Courier

142. When a man deigns tew brag erbout his might it is time for people tew spell it “mite”.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

143. It is a wonder time ain’t laid low long ago, sence there is so many folks tryin’ tew kill it.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

144. ‘Tain’t so easy rollin’ uvf’n a law garter all, ‘speshly ef the lawg is standin’ upright an’ yeou are boun’ tew it, with a score uv wil’ ingins dancin’ roun’.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

145. A rat in a trap is wuth tew in a meal bar’l.
       Pub. in B. Courier

146. It would be a tarnal good joke on the lightnin’ rod corporation ef their agent should git truck by lightnin’, but hard on the agent.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in B. Courier

147. When a man tells yeou he  is a poor mizzerbul cuss, don’t agree with him; ‘tain’t safe.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

148. Some uv these keen obserbers read mos’ ev’rybody’s natur’ kerrectly but their own.
       R. by Puck, F. Press, Siftings, Life, Pub. in B. Courier

149. Gen’ly the people who hev the least cause worry most erbout havin’ brain fever.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

150. A yeoung man knows a good deal nowadays. He know when he ie well uvf himself an’ he knows when his girl’s father is well uvf also.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

151. Don’t make a fool uv yeourself jest for spite, a long-eared hoss wouldn’t do sech a thing.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

152. When a tom turkey brussles up nothin’ is ever though uv it, but when a bantie rooster does the same thing folks say he is puttin’ on airs.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in Boston Courier

153. Silence is golden; a little talk is silver an’ a good uv talk is brass.
       R. by Puck, F. Press, Siftings, Life, Pub. in B. Courier

154. Ef ev’rybody would min’ their own bizniz they wouldn’ hev no leezure fur mischief makin’.
       R. by Puck, F. Press, Siftings, Life, Pub. in B. Courier

155. Turnin’ a grin’ stun may put an aige on the ol’ gentleman’s axe but it takes it all uvfin the boy’s ambition.
       R. by Puck, F. Press, Siftings, Life, Pub. in B. Courier

156. Tew see is tew believe, but tew believe isn’t allus tew see.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

157. Charrerty may cover a multitood uv sins, but the muzzle uv a pistol covers a multitude uv sinners.
       R. by Puck, F. Press, Siftings, Life, Pub. in B. Courier

158. Holin’ on rew a bull’s tail tew keep frum gittin’ hooked is a wise plan but awful tryin’ tew the narves.
       R. by Puck, F. Press, Siftings, Life, Pub. in Boston Courier

159. The pusson who says he won’t give in is purty apt, in the long run, to give out.
       R. by Puck, F. Press, Siftings, Life, Pub. in Boston Courier

160. Fallin’ in love an’ fallin’ in a well takes erbout the same length uv time, but the former hez a big advantage over the latter when it comes to gitting’ eout. It kin be done quicker n’ easier.
       Pub. in B. Courier

161. A man hez got no bizniz tew tell us there is nuthin’ new under the sun unless he kin tell us suthin’ erbout the condition above it.
       Pub. in B. Courier

162. He laffs best who laffs, not at his own jokes but them uv his neighbor.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

     *           *           *

                                                “Ol’ Nutmeg” On Shutin’

163. Teachin’ yeoung idees how tur shute is a good way tew lessen dawn the number uv yeour family.

164. The hard hearted farmer should now remember the Lord’s Prayer an’ forgive them who trespass ag’inst him.

165. The rabbit gen’ly hez more hare-breadth escapes than any other annermul.

166. Don’t shute uvf both bar’ls at a chip’n bird.

167. Even a gun will kick ef it aint properly used.

168. My advice tew them who are unnerquainted with fire arms is tew beware uv the dog an’ gun.

169. It’s gen’ly the feller who is sech a crack shot at the tunnermunts that can’t hit the broadside uv his fust deer.

170. Don’t aim tew high or yeou might blow uvf the top uv yeour own cokernut.

                        R. by Truth, Puck, Pub. in Boston Courier, Oct. 21, ‘94

                                    *           *           *

171. Don’t look inter the muzzle uv a gun te see ef it’s loaded.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

172. Although I’m a tem’prence man I sometimes question who is the biggit noosance, the man full uv rum or the man full uv anecdote.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

173. My advice is an’ allus hez be’n tew yeoung people who are crazy tew git married, is tew wait tell they are ol’ enough tew know better.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in Boston Courier

174. Don’t look with suspicion on the man who doesn’t like tew speak uv his birth; tin’t nowers likely he kin remember much erbout the occasion anyway.
       Pub. in B. Courier

175. Ez a rule, when an individyul is in a peck uv trouble the measure is well heaped up.                
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in Boston Courier

176. “All the worl’s a stage,” an’ mos’ uv the people are but hosses for the puppus uv draggin’ it aroun’.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in Boston Courier

177. The dunkey hez a good ear but an uncommonly bad voice fur music.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

178. Don’t try tew make yeourself or other people blieve thet yeou are the on’y pusson who hez any right on a crowded sidewalk.
       Pub. in B. Courier

179. When yeou hear a man threaten tew blow hez brains eout rest assured thet it is impossible ur him tew dew any sech thing.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

180. Time may be money but the man eout uv a job hez consitterbul more uv it tew spen’.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in Boston Courier

181. There are many people in this worl’ who ain’t afeerduv any annermul frum a bug tew a bear, who will tremble all their lives front uv a bugbear.
       R. by Puck, Judge, Pub. in Boston Courier

182. People don’t need much practice in order tew become good mischief makers.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

183. Take time fur ev’rything ‘cept payment fur a bill.
       R. by Puck, Judge, A. by Truth, Pub. June 22, ‘95 in #427

184. Any young man who hez tried a case uv love knows the cost uv court.
       R. by Puck, Judge, A. by Truth, Pub. June 22, ‘95 in #427

185. Drowning yeour sorrows in a bar’l uv whiskey may be effective, but it hez “bum”erang propenserties.
       R. by Puck, Judge, A. by Truth, Pub. June 22, ‘95 in #427

186. Try an’ remember when yeou are beatin’ a hoss thet the poor feller is doin’ the best he knows how, an’ would gladly arsk yeour pardon ef he could.
       R. by Puck, Judge, A. by Truth, Pub. June 22, ‘95 in #427

187. Fore a woman begins tew tell her neighbors thet her husband hez bought her on’y one pair uv shues in ten years, she orter add up the number uv times she hez sewed on his buttons arterthe fust month she married.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

188. Tain’t necessary tew suppose thet a small boy allus carries a straw tew a cider bar’l fur the puppus uv suckin’ cider through it; he may want it in case he falls in an’ is in danger uv getting’ drownded.
       R. by Puck, Judge, A. by Truth, Pub. June 22, ‘95 in #427

189. Just becuz a woman happins tew glance in yeour directiondon’t imagine thet yeou are the fust man she ever see.
       R. by Puck, Judge, A. by Truth

190. When yeou call a man a kicker it is only a perlite way uv callin’ him a long-eared hoss.
       R. by Puck, Judge, A. by Truth, Pub. June 22, ‘95 in #427

191. The steppin’ sturs in front uv a saloon are not the ones tew success.
       R. by Judge, A. by Puck, Pub. in #970, Oct. 9, ‘95

192. Yeou can’t l’arn an’ ol’ dorg new tricks but let him alone an’ he’ll l’arn ‘em himself.
       Pub. in B. Courier

193. The longer yeou wait fur yeour golden opportunity the brassier it becomes.
       R. by Judge, A. by Puck, Pub. Oct. 9, ’95, #970,

194. Men will caution the’r children to keep from a tub uv water then git drownded themselves in a bar’l uv whiskey.
       R. by Puck, A. by Truth, Pub. in #460, Feb. 8, ’96

195. Before yeou take it fur granted thet “silence gives consent”, be sure yeou aint talkin’ tew a deaf an’ dumb gal.
       Boston Courier

196. Tain’t a good idee tew kick a dorg in order tew fin’ out ef he’s good natured.
       R. by Judge, A. by Puck, Pub. in #970, Oct. 9, ‘95

197. A sharp tongue never seems tew grow dull frum excessive use.
       R. by Judge, A. by Puck, Pub. in #970, Oct. 9, ‘95

198. Hayseed in a feller’s hair is preferable tew live stock, anytime.
       R. by Puck, Truth, Pub. in Boston Courier

199. Ef we are tew judge the fucher by the past, all I kin say is, thet I’m mighty sorry fur the fucher.
       R. by Puck, Truth, (Pub. in) B. Courier

200. Becuz one ha’f uv the worl’ don’ know how the other ha’f lives hain’t no fault uv the other ha’f.
       R. by Puck, Truth, Pub. in Boston Courier

                                    May 10, 1895. “Old Nutmeg’s” Sayings

201. The lion an’ the lamb ofun lie down turgether, but gen’ley the lamb us inside the lion’
       R. by Judge, A. by Puck.

202. A dollar in yewr han’ is wuth tew in some other feller’s.
       R. by Puck, Truth. Boston Courier

203. They hain’t no more room at the top nowadays less one uv the fellers who’s already up there hap’n tew fall off.
       R. by Puck, A. by Truth. Pub, Feb. 8, ’96, #460

204. Don’t never poke fun at the looks uv older people; a good many times young people are more tew blame fur their looks than they be themselves.
       A. by Puck, Pub.in #992, March 11, ‘96

205. Take things ez they come, then use yewr  own discretion ez tew what yew’ll do with ‘em.
       A. by Puck, Pub.in #992, March 11, ‘96

206. A still tongue never gits arrested fur disturbin’ the peace.
       A. by Puck, Pub.in #992, March 11, ‘96

207. Any man orter be willin’ tew put ez much money inter the contrybution box ez he puts inter terbacker.
       A. by Puck, Pub.in #992, March 11, ‘96

208. Give the boy a chance sometimes, instid uv a lickin’.
       A. by Puck, Pub.in #992, March 11, ‘96

209. There’s a vast diffunce in the feelin’s uv the ower an’ the owed.
       A. by Puck, Pub.in #992, March 11, ‘96

210. They hain’t much sense in gittin’ all het up by tryin’ so hard tew keep cool.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

211. Alittle pepper naow an’ then on a feller’s food hain’t tew be sneezed at.
       Pub. in B. Courier

212. It’s mighty hard work tew shin up a tree onless a red-hot bull is clus tew yewr heels.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

213. Joy seldom kills becuz people aint apt tew git an overdose.
       Pub. in B. Courier

214. The on’y wind thet a feller on a bicickle needs ez that that’s in his tires.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

215. Farmin’ hain’t a very independunt life ef the farm hez got a mortgage on it.
       Boston Courier

216. A man wants tew be remarkably healthy an’ long lived, in order tew fish fur a livin’.
       P. in Boston Courier

217. Many a man wishes that some other man hed never be’n born.
       Pub. in Boston Courier

218. It is mighty cruel punishment tew talk a man tew death.
       Boston Courier

                                    *          *          *         

                        Ol’ Nutmeg On Christmas (1895)

219. One night eout uv a hull year does a boy hang up his stockin’s. The other 364 he throws  ‘em down on the floor.

220. Every child b’leaves in a Santa Claus. When he gits a leetle older he begins tur doubt it, an’ by the time he hez children uv his own he don’t b’ieve in it at all.

221. Hangin’ up stockins is, uv course, an ol’custom, but fur all uv that it is just ez new tew ez many leetle tots turday ez it wuz a hundred years ago.

Pub. Dec 14, 1895.
     Truth, Christmas Number. #452

                                    *          *          *

222. Gen’ly it’s loosest characters thet git into the tightest places.
       R. by Truth, Ac. by Puck. Pub. April 22, ’96 #998

223. With aigs forty cents per dozen the lay uv the thrush ain’t tew be compared with the lay uv the hen.
       R. by Truth, Ac. by Puck. Pub. April 22, 1896 #998

223½. It hain’’t allus the circus man by any means who hez the bes’ show.
       R. by Truth, Ac. by Puck. Pub. April 22, ’96 #998

224. The man who hez the most uv poetic fire gen’ly he the least uv the other kin’.
       R. by Truth, Ac. by Puck. Pub. April 22, ’96 #998

225. A penny will never return tew yew bad ef yew hol on tew it in the fust place.
       R. by Truth, Ac. by Puck. Pub. April 22, ’96 #998

226. They hain’t a much wuss death known then bein’ killed with kindness.
       R. by Truth, Ac. by Puck. Pub. April 22, ’96 #998

227. Trottin’ hosses may be pleasanter than trottin’ babies, but it is a playnez sight more unsartin’.
       R. by Truth, Ac. by Puck.

228. Don’t blame the rich man tew much, mos’ likely he wuz poor an’ happy once hisself.
       R. by Truth, Ac. by Puck.

229. The wust thing erbout fam’ly quarrels is they is tew many other fam’lies let inter them.
       Ac. by Puck. Pub. Sept. 20, ’96, #1021

230. Don’t shun yewr neighbor’s hens fur scratchin’ in yewr garden. It’s a foolish thet won’t go where the bes’ scratchin’ is, an’ it’s a complerment tew yew, thet yewr garden is the bes’. The settlement should be made with yewr neighbor, ez the hen ain’t tur blame.
       R. by Puck, Ac. by Truth. Pub. June 20, 1896. #479.

231. ‘Stid uv cryin’ over spilt milk, it’s a good idee tew go an’ strip the ol’ caow down agin.
       R. by Puck, Ac. by Truth. Pub. June 20, 1896. #479.

232. The wust thing erbout givin’ a man a chance is he is purty apt tew want another.
       R. by Puck, Ac. by Truth. Pub. June 20, 1896. #479.

233. By takin’ a day off now yew may put tew on the other end.
       R. by Puck, Ac. by Truth. Pub. June 20, 1896. #479.

234. Ef yew can’t practice what yew preach try tew practice what yewr minister preaches.
       R. by Puck, Ac. by Truth. Pub. June 20, 1896. #479.

235. One good p’int erbout a dorg is,  he is purty apt tew foller his own marster.
       R. by Puck, Ac. by Truth. Pub. June 20, 1896. #479.

236. They is plenty uv room at the top on’y fellers whew are up there naow want it all theirselves.
       Ac. by Puck. Pub. Sept. 20, ’96, #1021.

237. Don’t set on the fence wishin’ yew hed some uv yewr neighbor’s luck. Wish thet yew hed some uv his pluck, then make it a pint tew git some, an success is yewrs.
       Ac. by Puck. Pub. Sept. 20, ’96, #1021.

238. Ef all the Aunerniases uv tewday wuz struck dead they wouldn’t be enough people lef’ tew hol’ a country prayer meetin’.
       Pub. in B. Courier
(Ananias:  an early Christian struck dead for lying)

239. Ef some of the farmers I know would rai the’r fence ‘sted uv railin’ et fate, the ol’ places would look a plagney sight better.
       Ac. by Puck. Pub. Sept. 20, ’96, #1021.

240. It comes in mighty tough on a muzzled dorg when he sees a nice fat bone in the gutter.
       Pub. in B. Courier

241. When a cat gits her back up it’s time fur the dorg tew stop foolin’.
       B. Courier

242. It haint necessary fur a man tur be eddicated in order make his mark.
       B. Courier

243. The boat thet hol’s fam’ly secrets is apt tew spring a leak.
       Pub. B. Courier. March 22, ‘96

244. I could never quite unnerstan’ what a man gits mad at when he strikes his thumb with a harmer; whether it’s himself, his thumb, the nail, the harmer or the one thet’s lookin’ on, or all five.
       R. by Truth, Life, Judge, World, Puck, Journal. Little Joker.

245. The man who goes inter pollertics tew make it cleaner soon gits eccustomed tew the sight uv the dirt.
       Ac. by Puck. Pub. Sept. 20, ’96, #1021.

246. Marriage may be a lottery an’ it may not be, but one thing is morul sartin, the minister hain’t agoin’ tew make a crusade agin it.
       Ac. by Puck. Pub. Sept. 20, ’96, #1021.

247. Some people strike while the iron is hot in order tew hevsparks fly onter someone else.
       R. by Truth, Life, Judge, World, Puck, Journal. Little Joker.

248. Talk is so cheap thet ofuntimes money hez turbe used in order tew stop it.
       R. by Truth, Life, Judge, World, Puck, Journal. Little Joker.

249. When a man advises yew tur keep yewr eyes on a certain other man, don’t dew it. Keep one eye on the man an’ the other on yewr adviser.
       R. by Truth, Life, Judge, World, Puck, Journal. Little Joker.

250. Don’t blame the blacksmith ‘cuz he can’t preach a good sermon or write a novel. It hain’t his line.
       R. by Truth, Life, Judge, World, Puck, Journal. Little Joker.

                                    *          *          *

                        “Ol’ Nutmeg” On The “Fourth”

251. The glorious Fourth aint what it uster be, inezmuch ez it uster b different tew what it is now.
       R. by Truth, Ac. by Puck. Pub. July 8, ’96 #1009.

252. The on’y safe fire cracker I know uv is the one thet hez already exploded.
       R. by Truth, Ac. by Puck.

253. The very things the father uv boys ustur term ez patriotic in his day, he now puts down ez newsiance.
       R. by Truth, Ac. by Puck.

254. The boy who fin’s so much fault with a rainy Fourth, gen’ly lives tew fin’ eout his mistake.
       R. by Truth, Ac. by Puck.

255. They is one day in the year when mos’ people wish the country wuzzen’t so free an’ inderpendunt ez what it is.
       R. by Truth, Ac. by Puck.

256. The tootin’ uv horns is more patriotic an’ pleasin’ tew the ear than the soun’ uv some orrertor’s voices.
       R. by Truth, Ac. by Puck.

257. This is the time when the small boy hez money tew burn, an’ ef he gits away frum sight uv home he is purty apt tew burn all he hez.
       R. by Truth, Ac. by Puck. Pub. July 8, ’96 #1009.

                                    *          *          *

258. Saloon keepers ain’t ellergerble fur membership in the village improvemunt surcierty.
       R. by Truth, Life, Judge, World, Puck, Journal. Little Joker.

259. It s highly amusin’ tur see how many people are takin’ grapes in juice form on’y becuz they are afeerd uv the apendyseetus.
       R. by Truth, Life, Judge, World, Puck, Journal. Little Joker.

260. Some men die happy knowin’ they won’t hev tur worry over their undertaker’s bill.
       R. by Truth, Life, Judge, World, Puck, Journal. Little Joker.


(‘R.’ = rejected, ‘A’.= accepted, ‘Pub. = published)

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