Friday, December 4, 2020

Advertise it


  Advertise It.



If you have got a thing to sell

     You’d better advertise it;

Folks like a bargain pretty well,

     You’d better advertise it.

Folks never’ll know what you have got

Unless you get it in the “spot”;

So if you want your stock to trot

     You’d better advertise it.


If there is something you would buy

     You’d better advertise it;

This world has got a searching eye, –

     You’d better advertise it.

The buyer must get in the light,

The seller wants to keep in sight,

They want to meet, and so the right

     Way is to advertise it.


Just advertise it left and right

And advertise it day and night –

That such a method is all right

     No one here denies it;

Just advertise it long and well,

     If you have got a thing to sell

     Or else to buy; the ad. will tell

         Always advertise it.


Apr. 30, 1913.


(Another lyric of the same name and nature was written on June 13, 1910.)



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