Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Added to 'Short Pieces' page:




Jim belonged to a detachment which had been brought from the city to guard a certain bridge somewhere in ---------. And Jim was some sentry. In less than two days he was in the guard house for leaving his post and becoming engaged in a fist battle with a fellow private. Inasmuch as Jim had emerged victorious it was quite natural that the sergeant should inflict upon him the heavier punishment. For a long time the prisoner asserted that he was simply carrying out his general orders. The officer found out that a pretty girl was at the bottom of the affair and was puzzled to know what she had to do with Jim’s general orders. Under a threat of severer punishment Jim was induced to speak.

“General order number one, sir,” said Jim.

The sergeant nodded.

“It tells me to guard all government property in view, sir, does it not?”

The officer was forced to acknowledge the truth of the statement.

“Well, sir, this guy here was bothering Miss ----- against her will. She had a date with me when my time was up.”

“Well, how does that clear you?” snapped the sergeant.

“General order number one, sir; she’s the post-master’s daughter!”

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