Sunday, August 23, 2015

In Laramie

The way they do in Laramie
Just suits my notion to a T.,
The girl refused to wed, they say,
Unless they struck the word “obey”
Right off the slate. When that was done
The scrappy pair were fashioned one.
The groom was “for”, “against” was she,
And thus they fought in Laramie.

No wedding in old Laramie
For her until he should agree
To have the word “obey” cut out.
The groom out up objections stout,
But no avail, the bride to be
Fought every ditch most gallantly,
And now all grooms their doom must face
For Laramie has set the pace.

The things they do in Laramie
Are satisfactory to me.
I’m willing they should change the laws
To suit the women there because
I’m married, and the word “obey”
Was nailed in my caboose to stay.
So what they do in Laramie
Just suits my notion to a T.

August 23, ‘08

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