Thursday, August 20, 2015

Santa Claus

Course they is a Santa Claus,
Jest the same as ever was.
Billy Buzzy sez they warn’t
Never one, an’ hain’t now. Can’t
Fool me in any sech way,
‘Cuz I’ve seen him, plain ez day.
Course they is a Santa Claus,
An' I’ll tell yew how it was.

Auntie she hed tucked me in,
Slick an’ snuggy ez a pin;
Uncle he hed gone tur bed,
(Leastways so my Auntie said,)
Nen she most turned out the light,
An’ says, “good night, dear, good night”.
Nen I laid ‘ere on my sleeve,
Thinkin’ over Christmas Eve.

“Now,” sez I, “Ef I kin keep
Wide erwake, an’ make b’leave sleep,
Bet I’ll see ol’ Santa Claus,
Nen tell Bill Buzzy how it was.
Nen I lied, an’ watched the light
Growin’ dim an’ dimmer, n’ right
‘Fored I knowed it Santa Claus
‘Uz in the room where I was.

Couldn’t see his face, but I
Knowed twas him, an’ tell yew why.
He hed lef’ his great big cut,
Down berlow, all over sut,
An’ hed stoled my uncle’s gown,
When he come the chimney down,
An' put it on, jest neat an’ trim,
So’s tur make b’leave ‘twasn’t him!
Course they is a Santa Claus,
Jest the same ez ever was.

Aug. 20, ‘95
Ac. by Truth

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