Monday, August 31, 2015

A Joy Hunter

Now comes the glory time of year
        The red and yellow fall;
When “Bob White” o’er the barren field
        Sends forth his cheery call.
When nuts are dropping to the ground
        And squirrels by the score
Are darting here and there to find
        Their coming winter’s store.

I hear the merry partridge drum
        His well known autumn tune;
And ducks are herding from the chill
        Within some warm lagoon.
This is the time when game abounds
        Upon the lake or hill,
And hearing “Bob White’s” cheery call
        Just sets my heart a-thrill.

I like to take my gun and shells,
        My game bag o’er my back,
And wander daily, all alone,
        The woodlands’ voiceless track!
I like to steal upon the duck
        And watch it dive and play;
I like to hear the squirrel scold
        And see him run away.

I like to take my gun along
        For old-times sake, that’s all
I wouldn’t shoot a living thing,
        Nor still the “Bob White’s” call.
My game slung across my back?
        Most useful, if you please;
I bring it homeward full of nuts
        From off the kindly trees.

Aug. 31, 1910

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