Wednesday, August 19, 2015

My Favorite Boy

You can have the boy who can ride and shoot,
Who can sing and play and dance;
Give me the boy who can make his bed
And sew a button on his pants.
You can have the boy who wants baseball
Who’s killing umpires in his sleep;
Give me the boy who can wash a dish,
And scrub the kitchen floor and sweep.

You can have the boy who can steer a car,
Who can handle the wheels and brake;
Give me the boy who can pick a roast,
The boy who can broil a steak.
It is not because I love him best,
That I hold him up to view,
But because, if he weds the average girl,
These are the things he’ll have to do.

Aug. 19, ‘10
Monday Aug. 22, ‘10

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