Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Caught On The Wireless Wire

While sitting in my barn one day,
     Upon the ridge board high,
I caught a hundred messages
     As they came flying by.
One read, “Dear John I’m coming home,
     Look to the furnace fire”;
Another, We are married, dad,”
     Upon the wireless wire.

Another, “Send me 50 casks
     Of shine wire P.D.Q”,
And, “Harry, dear, my hand is yours,
     Please let me hear from you.”
Another, “Twins arrived today,”
     And, “Copper two pints higher”.
“A revolution nipped in Skwatt,”
     All on the wireless wire.

I was knee deep in fields of fun,
     My being all afire!
What joy to catch the passing news
     Upon the wireless wire.
Just then a message ripped along
     That knocked me off my stool;
‘Twas simply this, in accents clear:
     “Get off the line, you fool!”

Feb. 17, ‘09

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