Sunday, October 25, 2015

A Cat In the House

A cat in the house is a mighty fine thing
     ‘Tis a wonder that any should doubt it;
I never could see, betwixt you and me,
     How a family could well do without it.
Just think of the music it makes all the day
     While on the old hearthstone is lying;
Just think of the rats it bites in the slats
     Or sends from the premises flying!

A cat in the house is a most useful thing,
     She never makes trouble or bothers;
She sharpens her claws wherever she’s cause,
     On the legs of the table, or others.
Just think of the music she makes through the night,
     When man and all nature is quiet;
She can dodge like a sprite, in the darkest of night,
     The bootjack whenever you shy it.

By all means keep a cat in the house
     To make your life restful and happy;
If it weren’t for her with her music and purr
     Life wouldn’t be nearly so snappy.
A cat in the house is a mighty fine thing,
     A cat that’s not sneaky or slouchy;
She’s a source of delight through the day and the night,
     And something to kick when you’re grouchy.

Oct. 25, ‘10


shy:  to start suddenly aside through fright or alarm

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