Monday, October 19, 2015

Dreary Days

Dreary days of “Lizzard Crick”,
     Now the summer’s come an’ gone;
Wind a-whistling down the “reach”
     Makes a feller feel forlorn.
Leaves hev tumbled from the trees,
     Reeds hev died an’ fallen down;
Boats turned downwards on the bank,
     Medder grass all dead an’ brown.

Wouldn’t mind the grass nur leaves
     Nur the tangled, dyin’ mess,
Medder oats an’ lily pads,
     But it’s – well, the lonesomeness!
All the logs are bleak an’ bare,
     Ain’t no turkles out in sight;
Ain’t no social bull-frogs now
     Talkin’ ‘crost the Crick at night.

Seems like ev’rything is gone,
     Singin’ birds an’ honey bees;
An’ a murmur uv complaint
     Sounds amongst the wavin’ tress.
Dreary days when winter drives
     All the frogs an’ turkles in;
An’ a feller jist feels blue
     Till they come aroun’ ag’in.

Oct. 19, ‘09

Salmon River, East Haddam              

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