Saturday, October 17, 2015

Live It Down

Have you had an illness shown?
     Live it down;
Has the dust upon you blown?
     Live it down.
If the past has made you weep,
If the way was rough and steep,
If the night was dark and deep
     Live it down.

If the future deals a blow
     Live it down;
Do not fear or furor show,
     Live it down.
If you keep on smiling sweet,
If you never know defeat
Fate will take a backward seat,
     Live it down.

Live it down by day and night,
     Live it down;
Live it down by living right,
     Live it down.
If the right path you pursue
As you journey this life through
There’s a Power ‘twill help you to
     Live it down.

Oct. 17, 1910

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