Thursday, October 29, 2015

A Power for Good

The man who says the world is wrong,
An’ ruther weep than hev a song,
An’ says in tones uv misery,
‘Tain’t nothin’ like it uster be,
An’ says he wouldn’t trust no more
His life-long neighbor lives next door,
An’ says they ain’t no use to try
To git ahead, he’d ruther die,
An’ home an’ friends ain’t wuth a rap –
What would you think uv sech a chap?

Now don’t git in a state like this,
Becuz you’re surely goin’ to miss
An’ awful lot uv fun each day,
Ez surely ez you live that way.
This picture isn’t overdrew,
They’s jest sech folks beside o’ you;
An’ what they need is daily food
Uv humor in their solitude.

Don’t let yourself git right down blue,
An’ think all things have gone askew;
Don’t b’lieve the worst uv feller man,
But b’lieve the very best you can.
Bring friendliness into the heart
Thet tries to live from you apart,
An’ you will be a power fur good
All threw your blessed neighborhood.

Oct. 29, ‘09

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