Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Bobbin’ Fur Eels On “Lizzard Crick”

It ain’t the kind o’ fishin’ ‘at the city fellers like
Where they troll fur trout or salmon an’ they git a likely strike;
Where they play ‘em fur the science an’ the pleasure thet they git,
An’ they photygraph the victim when he comes frum out the wet.
No, it ain’t no kind o’ fishin’ thet the sportsmen wanter do,
‘Cuz it’s rough an’ rther messy, an’ it’s pluggin’ through an’ through;
But there ain’t no kind uv fishin’ thet a Gungy feller feels
Thet equals settin’ on the Crick an’ bobbin’ there fur eels.

Big eels, small eels
      Grabbin’ holt the bait;
Light eels, dark eels
      Four pounds in weight.
Draw ‘em mighty keeful
      Don’t let ‘em hit their heels;
Don’t keer fur any fishin’
      ‘Cept bib fur eels!

O, you take a summer evenin’ when the tide is comin’ slack,
An’ you anchor side the channel where the water’s deep an’ black,
An' you drop your worm-bob over where the eels are runnin’ thick,
You will git some lively bitin’ an’ you’ll git it purty quick.
You don’t hev to set with patience like you hev to wait fur trout,
Say an hour or two uv cussin’ an’ then never pull one out.
You kin flop ‘em in your dory, you kin bury up your heels
You kin smoke an’ tell your stories while you fill your boat with eels!

Fried eel, baked eels,
      Eels in chowder fine;
Roast eels, scalloped eels
      Any old design.
Eels for breakfus’, dinner,
      How good a feller feels;
Don’t care what fish you give us
      So longs it’s eels!

May 27, 1911

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