Monday, May 25, 2015

Our Ideal Life

These outside squabbles don’t concern
     Matildy Ann nor me;
The tariff marked way up or down,
     We’re happy ez kin be.
We’ve plugged along through rain an’ shine,
     Had all our hearts could wish;
Matildy she makes butter some,
     An’ I, I farm an’ fish.

We’d like to see the world, of course,
     An’ know more’n what we do;
An’ yit, when all is said an’ done,
     We know a thing or two.
We know ol’ Mars don’t worry us,
     Japan gives us no alarm;
Matildy she makes butter some,
     An’ I, I fish an’ farm.

Matildy’s willin’ I should vote,
     I let her run the house;
The days an’ years, they come an’ go
     As peaceful as a mouse.
Our wrinkles come from smiles, not frowns,
     Fur fame we hev no wish;
Matildy she makes butter some,
I farm a bit an’ fish.

May 25, ‘09

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