Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Man

There’s the man with a slouch
And the man with a grouch,
     And the man who has nothing but bitter and scorning
But the man who’s worthwhile
Is the man with a smile,
     The man who comes in with a cheery “good morning”.

There’s the man who’s tied down
With the weight of the town,
     Whose countenance care is forever adorning,
But the man who is prime
Is the man who has time,
     To distribute about him a cheery “good morning”.

O, the work of the day,
Seems a bit more like play,
     And the words of prophet seem less like a warning,
When the persons we meet
In the office or street
     Give us just a wee smile and a cheery “good morning”.

April 28,, ‘10

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