Monday, November 30, 2015

Dobson the Nervous

“He is so nervous,” people said,
And each would shake his troubled head.
He should consult a specialist,
Or some fine morn he will be missed,”
And like remarks his friends would say
About poor Dobson ev’ry day.

For Dobson would sit in his chair
And twist and squirm and softly swear;
Would jump and walk about the room
Then settle down in awful gloom.
“Alas!” said they, “He has a bat
Or he would never act like that.”

At last they told the boss that they
With Dobson could no longer stay.
The boss took Dobson to one side
And questioned him. Then Dob’ replied:
“Rough on them, sir? It’s worse on me,
I’m breaking in my flannels, see?”

Nov. 30, ‘09

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