Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Optimistic Boston

     (Mr. Geo. S. Smith, at the dinner of the N.E. Confectioners’ Club at Young’s, said the trouble with Boston is that we have been just a bit grouchy)

Boston, Boston, if it’s true
You have had a grouch in you,
It is time to change your face
And get in the good cheer race.
If you’ve worn a sullen frown
With your hat brim rolling down,
Turn it upward for awhile,
And by golly, throw a smile!

Boston, Boston you have been*
Far too dignified, I wean;
With your learning and your blood
Coursing blue, and like a flood,
You’ve become from year to year,
Just a bit too grouchy, dear.
Rid yourself of all that bile,
And by gorry, throw a smile.

With the coming of the bloom,
Of the spring and rose perfume
With the joy of May and June
Change your pessimistic tune.
Smile upon your children great,
And the stranger at your gate.
Change your tactics for awhile
And by gorry, Boston, Smile!

April 21, ‘10

(* is not referenced on the page, but my guess it was intended to refer to a note that ‘been’ should be pronounced ‘bean’)

gory - (archaic, euphemistic) God!

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