Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Roosevelt Comet

Perhaps you’re wondering why our beef
     Has soared to prices way on high?
Perhaps you wonder why relief
     Don’t black the cost of living’s eye?
Perhaps you’ve wondered why the hens
     Don’t lay as they were won’t to do;
Perhaps you’ve wondered why the pens
     Of humorists have all gone blue?
Perhaps you’ve wondered why it’s cold,
     And why it’s wet, and skies are gray;
Why trade is dull and nothing sold,
     And bad luck seems to rule the day?
Perhaps you’ve wondered at the freeze
     That laid our western crops so low;
Perhaps you’ve wondered why our trees
     Won’t bear the peach of long ago?
And so we might go on for aye,
     And death and dire disaster name;
And you, and everyone would say
     That Halley’s Comet is to blame.
But I think that in this they err,
     I think the sorrows of today
Are not from Halley’s Comet, sir,
     But just because T.R.’s away.

April 26, ‘10

(Roosevelt was off on his year-long safari in Africa)

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