Saturday, February 28, 2015


O for a Sunday paper small,
     Just like they used to be;
Without so many pictures gay,
     And so much fillagree.

We cannot find the things we want,
     But things we do espy,
Are apt to be, twixt you and me,
     The thing we should pass by.

Feb. 28, 1904

fil•i•gree (ˈfɪl əˌgri) n., adj., v. -greed, -gree•ing. n. 
1. delicate ornamental work of fine silver, gold, or other metal wires, esp. lacy jewelers'  work of scrolls andarabesques. 
2. anything very delicate or fanciful: a filigree of frost. 
3. composed of or resembling filigree. 
4. to adorn with or form into filigree.


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