Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Roaster On The Walk

Yew kin talk about yewr mewsic thet the no’sy trolley makes,
Yew kin laud the wheezy organ which the dago daily breaks;
Yew kin talk about yewr nightingales, an’ talk, an’ talk an’ talk,
But I love ter hear the whistle of the roaster on the walk.

O, the sweet allurin’ whistle uv the peanut roaster grand;
Where the grim Italian fondly guards his little peanut stand;
It is mewsic pure an’ simple on a lonesome rainy night,
When yew wander up the pavement with us jolly frien’s in sight.

O, I love ter hear it whistle like a buoy out et sea,
An’ it allus steers me safely where I allus like ter be;
An’ I buy a pint uv peanuts an’ I stop ter have a talk
With the man who hez the firin’ uv the roaster on the walk.

When I die I want no Patti fur ter sing a solemn song;
I want no martial mewsic with a muffled drum along.
I kin rest with ease an’ comfort, an’ will never rise ter mock,
Ef yew’ll kiner give a whistle like the roaster on the walk.

Oct. 18, ‘96
Pub. in N.Y. Sunday Herald, Dec. 27, 1897

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