Thursday, January 22, 2015

Barbar-ous Weyler

Up from a province waste and drear,
Clear in the warm spring atmosphere,
The dismal walls of Havana stand,
Protesting Weyler and his band.

Round about them cannon sweep.
Trochas and trenches wide and deep,
Safe as the walls of Jerico,
Safe from the Cuban’s machete blow.

Up the province the Spaniards wind,
Butcher Weyler riding behind.
Under him slouch hat left and right
He glanced, a woman met his sight.

“Halt!” The grimy Dons stood fast;
“Fire!” Outblazed the rifle blast.
It riddled the victim from head and foot,
killing a babe in her arms to boot,

Quick as she fell by the coward’s shot,
Brave Weyler bore her from the spot.
A flash of triumph, a look of game
Over the face of the leader came.

And back to Havana midst great applause,
He marched proclaiming he’d won his cause.
And scores of dispatches flew to Madrid,
“Cuba Restored” by this modern “Kidd”.

All honor to him and let a dull
Thud fall for her sake on Weyler’s skull.
And ever the stars look down at last,
On Cuba free, and Spain outclassed!

Jan. 23, ‘97
Pub. in B. Courier
June 13, 1897

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