Monday, January 26, 2015

Down In The Bend

Down in the bend the pick’rel lie o’er spring holes warm an’ deep,
An' blink away the winter day ha’f dreamin’, ha’f asleep,
Jest lyin’ there a-waitin’ frum the mornin’ till the night
To grab a stragglin’ shiner jest to ease their appetite.

Down in the bend the winter sun beats warm beneath the hill,
An’ ‘neath the ledge a campin’ fire is burnin’ bright an’ still;
An’ ha’f a score uv fishermen are walkin’ to an’ fro,
Attendin’ lively tiltups, a hundred in a row.

Down in the bend! I only wish ‘at I wuz there today,
A-ketchin’ pick’rel thro’ the ice in jest the same ol’ way.
Jest like I did when but a boy on daddy’s hillside farm,
When life wuz full uv innercense an’ full uv simple charm.

Down in the bend! O blessed spot to drive away dull care!
No crash uv modern din an’ toil disturbs its quiet there;
I’d give a year uv city life to spend a day with you
If I could jest pull thro’ the ice a pickerel or two!

Jan. 26, 1902

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