Sunday, January 25, 2015

When Mabel Skates

When Mabel skates I can but watch
     Her flitting here and there;
I oft forget to skate myself
     The picture is so fair.
The stream tho’ thronged with happy souls
     Looks bare and desolate
Till Mabel comes careening by,
     A winged Queen a-skate.

When Mabel skates the world and all
     Is bright and fair to see;
She is a laughing winter sprite
     Of grace and witchery.
The music of her flashing steel
     Rings sweetly in my ears;
Her laugh goes rippling thro’ the wood,
     And fills the gods with fears.

When Mabel skates I fain would be
     A mighty knight of old;
And bear her swiftly o’er the ice
     Unto my realm of gold.
Alas! I’m not, I can but stand
     There helpless on the scene;
For Mabel’s nearly twenty six,
     And I am not sixteen.

Jan. 25, 1900

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