Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Adoni Complains

“Dees Boston eesa slowa town,”
     Adoni said to me;
“Dey chuta have da greata theengs
     New Yorka people see.
Dees folk’ dey gat no greata breedge,
     No Statue Leeberty;
Dey gotta no beeg Central Park,”
     Adoni said to me.

“Dees Boston folk’ dey have no race
     Weeth aeroplanes, w’y?
Ever other place da airship feel
     Da greata beega sky.
I lik’ for see som’ theeng tak’ place,
     Da beega worlda fair;
Or som’theeng lika beega race
     Weeth airsheep in da air.”

“No, notheeng, but da sam’ ol’ gait,
     Lik’ feefty year ago;
Dees Boston eesa slowa town,
     Meester Jocos’; dat’s so.
Just wait, we queeck heem up I theenk,
     We have som’day,” said he,
“A smart Eetalian for mayor,”
     Adoni said to me.

June 30, ‘10

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