Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Rustic Paradise

Settin’ in a leaky boat
With a pole an’ line an’ float,
Waitin’ for a fish to bite
Is the chief uv my delight.
Waitin’ fur the bob to sink
In the blue, reflected drink;
Waitin’ fur the pole to bend
With a fish upon the end.

Ain’t no place I ever see
Where that I would ruther be
Than ol’ “Lizzard” days like this
Soakin’ in her summer bliss;
Settin’ in a leaky boat
With a cider jug afloat,
Holdin’ on a white birch pole
In the shade o’ “Bullhead Hole”.

Airships an’ sech fillergree
Don’t hev any claims fur me;
Wouldn’t take an auto ride
‘Wuz I paid fur it beside.
Ez fur settin’ on the stoop
Talkin’ with some nincompoop
But the weather, no sir-ee,
“Lizzard Crick’s” the spot fur me!

“Lizzard Crick” an’ “Bullhead Hole”,
Rest there fur a weary soul;
Water smooth as glass and fair,
With the sky reflected there.
Shadders deep along the shore –
Who could ask fur any more?
Furren places? No sir-ee,
“Lizard Crick” will do for me!

June 30, ‘10

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