Sunday, July 26, 2015

An Old Maid’s View

I wouldn’t go an’ hev a man
     Jus’ cus he asked me tew;
He’d hev ter ‘range er better plan
     Than most ther men folks dew.
He’d hev ter court me ‘bout er year
     An’ allus hev a light;
An’ allus use a sep’rate cheer
     On every sparkin’ night.
The gals now days all want their beaus
     Clus tew their apron strings;
With lips ter lips an’ nose ter nose,
     Ther silly, giddy things.
I want my beau a rod from me,
     ‘Cept when he says “good night”;
Then only clus enough ter be
     Sensurbul an’ perlite.
Then when we’re hitched an’ on ther train
     I want no “tootsy-woo”;
But suthin’ sensurbul an’ plain
     Thet’ll last er year or two.
Maybe I’m gittin’ kinder old,
     An’ gray a little, too;
But then, a junk uv aged gold
     Is worth as much as new.

July 26, ‘90

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