Monday, July 27, 2015

The Witching Hour

When hearts are young, and love is new,
     And Cupid holds full power,
There somewhere near the midnight clear
     Descends the witching hour.
Love likes to have the world asleep
     And have the lamps turned low;
Love heeds the power the witching hour
     Weilds its semi glow.

Ah, fate! My heart’s no longer young,
     Though love’s not lost its power,
No more I wait the moments late
     For midnight’s witching hour.
My witching hour now comes to me
     When day has sunken low,
And in the west, behind yon crest
     The sunset bursts aglow.

The twilight is the witching hour,
     When labor rests its arm;
When peace serene steals o’er the scene,
     And dusk enshrouds the farm.
Then hand in hand with her I sit,
     And feel again love’s power;
Though years have flown, our love has grown,
     And changed the witching hour!

July 27, ‘10

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