Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Her Color Scheme

She didn’t look so very green,
     Except her shoes and hat;

And, let me see, her summer gown
     Was mostly green, at that.

She was an artist beautiful,
     Not twenty, I should say,

And stood before her canvas while
     She painted Glouc’ster Bay.

The clouds were white, the skies were blue,
     The boats were black and white;

The spars were yellow and the whole
     Produced a wondrous sight.

Alas! She saw not what we saw,
     Her sky and clouds were green,

Her boats and wharves, her spars and sails
     The greenest ever seen.

The little tugs, the dories there,
     Each object in the scene

Beneath her busy brushes grew
     Into a vivid green.

The seine-boats, and the pleasure craft,
     The lighthouse and the sea,

And e’en the snow-white gull awing
     Was green as green could be.

O, maiden of the green palette,
     And brush of vivid hue!

How can you see the emerald
     When skies are white and blue?

How can a snow-white sail be green?
     How can it be? Alas!

I stole a look beneath her hat –
     Her eyes were green as grass.

July 29, 1912

   Seine fishing (or seine-haul fishing) is a method of fishing that employs a seine or dragnet. A seine is a fishing net that hangs vertically in the water with its bottom edge held down by weights and its top edge buoyed by floats. Seine nets can be deployed from the shore as a beach seine, or from a boat.
Boats deploying seine nets are known as seiners. There are two main types of seine net deployed from seiners: purse seines and Danish seines.

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