Saturday, July 18, 2015

Anti Melancholy

Strawberries they are very good an’ vanish all too quick,
An’ currants, sugared up enough, well they are purty slick;
Rasberries, huckleberries, pears, cucumbers, squash an’ peas
An’ beets an’ greens an’ corn an’ beans most allus seem to please.
Tomatoes, plums an’ succotash most gen’ly hit the spot,
But one thing groin’ in the field jest knocks them all to pot.

Peaches an’ cream some think deevine, and laud up to the skies,
While others talk incessantly uv mother’s pumkin pies;
Rhubarb an’ quince. an’ cherries too, I find preferred by some,
An’ others on blueberry pie will talk you deaf an’ dumb.
All these are good, an’ hev their place, but one thing I kin name
Jest makes ‘em shrink an’ bow their heads down to the earth in shame.

Now cantaloupes are good enough fur lots uv folks they say,
An’ orange shortcake is a thing thet’s come right in to stay;
An’ there are many luscious things thet in the garden grow,
But none uv them compare with this delightful thing I know.
It is the heart uv happiness, the joy the rest an’ cure:
It is the – what? I most forgot, why watermelon, sure!

July 18, ‘08

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