Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Hen Billins’s Problem

Hen Billins set in Stokes’ store,
As he had often set afore,
An’ whittled on a piece uv wood
As only Henry Billins could.
‘Cuz Henry, when he had a load
Upon his mind, we allus knowed;
We knowed he’d trouble an’ unrest
Becuz he whittled like persest.

The chips they dropped upon the floor
Around the stove in Stokes’s store;
But otherwise he never stirred,
An’ never said a single word.
“Well, Hen,” says Cap’n Joe, says he,
“You’re purty quiet, seems to me;
What’s on your mind? You lost your tongue,
Or is your indergestion sprung?”

Hen Billin’s then he dropped the stick
An’ shet his knife up with a click,
An’ with a movement, very slow,
He turned an’ looked at Cap’n Joe.
An’ then a stillness settled o’er
The atmosphere uv Stokes’s store,
An’ each one listened right away,
To hear what Hen wuz goin’ to say.

An’ Hen, he give a little grin
An’ stroked the stubble on his chin,
An’ drawled, his voice exceedin’ low:
“Waal, I wuz wonderin’, Cap’n Joe,
Jest what the difference would be
Eef tweedle-dum wuz tweedle-dee.”
An’ ev’ry feller, ‘ceptin’ Cap,
Laughed like his trouser band would snap!

July 14, ‘10

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