Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Brain Food At Last

Wooster, Ohio, pigs, being fed brain food by the agricultural station, in 60 days developed big brains, and instead of wallowing in the mud, gamboled like lambs. They also stopped grunting and gorging themselves. - News

Brain food at last has done the trick and is a big success,
And through the land of pork and swine comes grunts of happiness;
No longer will the poor old pig lie round in ignorance,
But like his brother animals is going to have a chance.
He may be taught to “point” and “set”, run rabbits to their holes,
He may be taught to draw explorers to the different poles;
He may perform upon the wire, or do a vaudeville jig,
And soon we’ll vie to applaud the educated pig!

Long years we’ve sought the finny tribe thus to enhance our brains
But fish are very slow to bite, so anglers all complains;
And we have not advanced as fast as oft we’ve thought we ought,
Perhaps because the wary fish objects to being caught.
But Wooster, O., comes to the front with fodder that will make
A little brain expand to one that’s going to take the cake.
And if it does the trick for pigs why won’t it do the same
For each and every one of us whose brain is halt and lame?

Oct. 13, ‘09


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