Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Banks Of “Lizzard Crick”

On the banks of Lizzard Crick over back of Gungawamp;
Don’t I wish ‘at I wuz there on thet fallen chestnut stump;
Where the heavy alder bushes hang their heads above the stream,
Where the bright carnation blossoms throw a soft, reflected gleam.
O, I’ve set fur hours fishin’ on the banks uv Lizzard Crick,
With a cotton line a-danglin’ frum a crooked birchen stick;
An’ ef the fish wuz lazy why I never seemed to care,
I envied them the feelin’; an’ I allus hed my share!

On the banks uv Lizzard Crick
     Where I uster set an’ fish;
On the shores uv Lizzard Crick
     Where the waters gently swish;
O, you kin go to Rangely
     Where the trout an’ salmon be;
But Lizzard Crick
                        An’ a white birch pole,
     Thet’s good enough fur me!

On the banks uv Lizzard Crick where I uster roam erlone;
I knew their every crevice, an’ I knew their every stone.
My playmates wuz the squirrels, an’ we played at hide an’ seek,
While I waited fur the nibble uv a shiner bright an’ sleek.
O you banks uv Lizzard Crick, may you never know the change
‘At I’ve seen in other places where the chopper cleared the range;
Fur I want my boys an’ their boys in turn to hev a lick
‘At fishin’ unmolested on the banks uv Lizzard Crick!

On the banks uv Lizzard Crick
     Where I uster set an’ fish;
On the shores uv Lizzard Crick
     Where the waters gently swish;
O, you kin go to Rangely
     Where the trout an’ sarmon be;
But Lizzard Crick
                        An’ a white birch pole,
     Thet’s good enough fur me!

Dec. 23, ‘97
Pub. in “Sports Afield”,
June, 1898

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