Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Tales of Tiny Tillie Tatler #1

The tiny Tillie Tatler maid
     She lived in Talegeree;
And people stood in fear of her
     For second sight had she.
If something awful were to fall
     Upon their town, perchance,
This tiny Tillie Tatler maid
     Could tell it in advance.

She lived alone beside the way
     Where scarce a soul passed by;
Her yard was bordered by a wall
     Full twenty inches high.
Here in the yard she oft would sit,
     As thoughtful as could be,
And picture out just what would hap
     To poor old Talegeree.

Then she would hurry through the town,
     And stop at every gate,
And tell each frightened villager
     Just what would be his fate.
And everybody, everywhere
     Would hurry up and down,
With horses, carts and trunks and bags,
     To leave the fated town.

One day she said a monster ship
     Would sail down through the air,
And anchor high above the town,
     And lay in waiting there,
And if a soul stirred out of doors
     They’d drop big fish hooks down,
And everybody would be caught
     And carried from the town.

For days they stayed indoors and dared
     Not show their heads outside
For fear the awful, monster ship
     Would give them all a ride.
Then by and by a toy balloon
     Sailed o’er and out of sight,
And that was all the “ship” they saw,
     And they were angry quite.

They chased poor Tillie Tatler home,
     The women, men and boys;
And cats and dogs joined in the race
     All making lots of noise.
But Tillie was too fleet for them,
     Her feet did fairly fly,
She safely got within her wall
     Just twenty inches high.

May 27, 1908


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