Friday, May 29, 2015

Why He Failed

“The early bird gits the worm,”
     My father said to me;
I didn’t understand the term,
     I was too young, you see.
“There’s nothing succeeds like success,”
     My father said to me;
I didn’t catch his drift, I guess,
     I was too young you see.

“Fain’t heart ne’er won fair lady yet,”
     My sweetheart said to me;
The sense of it I didn’t get,
     I was too young, you see.
“I’ll be a sister to you, dear,”
     Another said to me;
I didn’t understand, I fear,
     I was so young, you see,

“It never is too late to learn,”
     My teacher said to me;
I didn’t grasp the useful turn,
     I was too dull you see.
“Strike while the iron is hot,” young man,
     My boss he said to me.
But I wound up where I began,
     I was a fool, you see.

May 29, ‘09

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