Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Good Fellow

My friend is a good, good fellow,
     Whatever you say of him;
You may call him cheap, and yellow,
     Or lazy up to the brim.
He’s white, he’s true and he’s worthy,
     I shall stick to him through ill;
What more can I say? Slur him you may,
     He’s a good, good fellow still.

The world looks on a good fellow,
     As easy, and weak and slow;
Las, unambitious and mellow
     Without any snap or go.
Perhaps there are such, I know not,
     My friends are good fellows all,
They’ve plenty of grit, shrewdness and wit,
     And keep far out from the wall.

Ah! Give me a good, good fellow,
     Whatever the world may say;
His heart not his head is mellow,
     I know where he stands today.
Good-hearted and kind and gentle,
     A fighter when treated ill;
The world may deride, but not decide –
     Give me a good fellow still.

Jan. 27, ‘09 

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