Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Lines to Thee (Found in the Office Boy’s Desk)

If I could write good poetree
I’d write some, O stenog’ to thee!
I’d write three sonnets, roundelays,
And thy bright eyes I’d greatly praise.
I’d write about thy golden hair,
Which is enough and some to spare;
Whether ‘tis all thine own or nay
Is not my bus’ness anyway.
Suffice to say it pleaseth me,
And looks right well, stenog’ on thee!

I’d hand thee this verse if I durst,
But fear by thee I might be curst;
So I will leave it lying where
Thy lovely eyes, so bright and fair,
May light upon it as by chance
While rubbering with thy sharp glance,
As thou sometimes are want to do
When no one’s around except for you.
O, fair stenog’, would thou wast mine,
And I wast no one else but thine!

Jan. 27, ‘10

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