Monday, September 21, 2015

Bull Head Is King

Report of the Fishing Gazette: White fish, 6 ½ c; trout, 7 ½ c; White
bass, 6 c; perch, 3 c; croppies, 4 c; pike 7c; pickerel, 5 c; Bullheads 8c.

No more the fancy speckled trout,
     Or perch or festive bass,
Or e’en the pickerel or pike
     All other fish outclass.
Fur once at least, the market says,
     With no unsartain ring,
Thet other fish hev gone “way back”,
     An’ Bullhead he is king!

Ol’ Bullhead, down on Lizzard Crick,
     Well, now thet tickles me;
I’ve allus stuck right up fur him
     Threw thick an’ thin, by Gee!
I’ve allus ‘lowed thet he wuz fine,
     Way head uv ev’rything;
An’ now I feel like hollerin’
     ‘Cuz ol’ Bullhead is King.

I’ve praised him up in sketch an’ tale,
     I’ve poetized him, too;
I’ve fished fur him on “Lizzard Crick”
     Long summer evenin’s through.
An’ fancy fishermen hev laughed
     Whene’er my songs I’d sing;
But now behold the trout is down,
     An’ ol’ Bullhead is King.

O, Bullhead, dream uv Lizzard Crick,
     Big head an’ body small!
Moustache an’ horns, an’ sharp back fin,
     Yew’re greatest uv ‘em all.
Fur food or fun I much prefer
     Tew hev yew on a string;
An’ I am tickled mos’ tew death
     Tew hol’ yew up ez King.

Sept. 21, 1902


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