Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hank Stubbs Soliloquizes

I don’t keer who found the Pole,
No I don’t, upon my soul;
Doesn’t matter much to me
Whether one, or two or three,
Six or ten, or only one
Done the job so long’s ‘twuz done.
What I want to know, I vow,
What is butter fetchin’ now?

Might hev been ol’ Dr. Cook,
Might hev been Bob Perry took
What they wuz to take. Mayhap
‘Twuzn’t took by either chap;
How could they take it, I declare,
Somethin’ that was never there?
But what worries me, I jing!
What’s pertaters goin’ te bring?

Huntin’ Poles ain’t on my list,
I ain’t no big scientist;
I’m a farmer threw an’ threw,
Keepin’ prices right in view.
Poles or airships ain’t fur me,
Got all I kin handle, see?
What I want to know, by gosh!
What’s the market pay fur squash?

Sept. 30, ‘09

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