Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Pole at Stokes’ Store

This good old world may fume and fret
     This good old world may swear and tear;
Inhabitants may threat and bet,
     In Gungawamp they do not care.
They’ve talked it over day by day,
     And nights till ten, and even more;
Who found the Pole and got away
     They’ve settled it in Stokes’ store.

It was no easy thing to do,
     And arguments rose ceiling high;
The Cow Club split, almost in two,
     And blood was in each member’s eye.
Tobacco smoke rose roll on roll,
     And chewers chewed as ne’er before;
But who was victor at the pole
     Was settled there in Stokes’ store.

The village is serene again,
     Work is resumed, the danger o’er;
The place for scientific men
     Is in a chair at Stoke’s store.
Why waste your money and your time
     With instruments and arctic lore;
Why not have arguments sublime
     For settlement in Stokes’ store?

Sept. 22, ‘09

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