Monday, March 23, 2015

And Still The Band Played

The pic’ lo picced his lo’ est note,
     The clar’ net couldn’t reed.
The flute flue off a fluted tone,
     And then got all unkeyed.
The cornets said tho’ we B. flat,
     In this we cornet fail;
The altos alto’ gether flew,
     But alto no avail.
The trombone tenor more times tried,
     And then his slide slid out;
He said he couldn’t bearitone,
     And was compelled to g’ out.
The basses pom-elled fierce and strong,
     And to base words gave vent;
“I’ll raise all helicon,” said one,
     And tuba tu they went.
The side drum tapped the bass drum big,
     They beat each other’s head;
And when they stopped the cymbal boy
     To Cymbeline had fled.
The leader leads a peaceful life,
     And leads a pieceful band;
And why they play dis-cord or dat,
     The town can’t understand.

March 23, ‘94
Pub. B. Courier,

May 12, 1895 

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