Saturday, March 28, 2015

When The Hens Come Off

Waal, I dunno uv anytime
     In all the hull blamed year
Thet makes a feller feel so good,
     A’ fills the farm with cheer,
Ez when the grass begins to creep,
     Eroun’ eac coop an’ tough,
An’ when the sun warms up the air
     An’ all the hens come off.

A hundred little “peeps” are heard
     Upon the farmyard air;
An’ specks uv white an’ brown an’ gold
     Are runnin’ everywhere.
An’ mother hens with busy “clucks”,
     Are struttin’ to an’ for,
Or scratchin’ out a careless worm
     To give the chicks a show.

Some write about the violets,
     An’ some the breath uv spring;
An’ some rave o’er the buddin’ trees
     An’ all that sort uv thing.
But what hits me – an’ I don’t keer
     Who wants to jeer or scoff –
Is them warm days out round the farm
     When all the hens come off.

March 28, 1903

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