Tuesday, March 24, 2015


It is the thing
     To write on spring,
By poets far and near;
     The readers all
     Both great and small
Expect it once a year.
     It matters not
     If we have got
A message real to sing;
     A verse, I mean,
     On grasses green
Is quite the proper thing.

     Down in the bogs
     The drowsy frogs
Are piping up a lay;
     And setting hens
     Out in the pens
Are fussing every day.
     The early birds
     Appear in herds
And trees are budding out;
     While in the heights
     We witness kites,
While youngsters laugh and shout.

     It is the thing
     To write on spring,
Although you know it’s here;
     But ‘tis our lot,
     Deny us not,
To spread the joy each year.
     So thus we sing
     Of gentle spring,
‘Tis all that we can do;
     In any case
     It fills up space
And brings a bone or two!

March 24, 1913

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